Strange Magazine
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STRANGE Magazine

Twice a year, the top researchers,investigators,
theorists, and writers in the field of
strange phenomena bring you a fantastic collection of well-documented
articles, features and columns covering
all aspects of the anomalous and unexplained.

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STRANGE features:

    In-depth investigations (1912 Mystery Apeman Photo, Selbyville Swamp Monster, Mary F. Sea Serpent Photos, the Crystal Skulls, the missing Thunderbird Photograph, Goatman, etc.)

    Regular themed issues (mystery plants of prey, monsters and mystery animals, Lovecraft and forteana, humanoids, Doc Shiels, time travel).

    Cutting edge graphics and design.

You won't want to miss
one mind-boggling issue.

STRANGE Magazine

Strange Phenomena
with a Brain

Mark Chorvinsky, Editor/Publisher
P.O. Box 2246
Rockville, MD 20847

E-mail us at:

Phone: (301) 460-4789
Fax: (301) 460-1959